Mother's Day Prayer


Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and grandmothers and great grandmothers out there. You know who you are! You are not just women, but can be of any gender. You may or may not have physically given birth, but you have cared for another - to the point of allowing your heart to break. It may have been another human that you loved and tended to, it may have been an animal companion. It may have been the trees or the waters or the land you tended. Today is your day to be celebrated.

And a happy Mother’s Day to Mamma Earth and Grandmama Moon. We love and honor you today and every day. And Mamma Earth, today we renew our vow to be better, more loving children. To reduce the harm we inflict on your body every day.

And today, we also remember and honor our deeply held Mother Wounds. Our sense of either being abandoned or smothered, or both. Wounds that live so deep in so many of us! But today, we say, yes, we acknowledge the hurt, but we also acknowledge how we have become today who we are, because of them.

Today, we honor our mothers, the mothers in us, and the Great Mother who nurtures us all - through times good and difficult. May all relationships with all mothers everywhere begin to be healed today. And may we hold this vision not just today, but every day. That is my prayer for this Mother’s Day. May it be so!


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