A New Year’s Prayer

Written on January 1, 2024

As I step into this new year, may I be kind and gentle to all, including myself. May I make time for my soul to play and to run free. May my tendency to make snap judgments about myself, others, organizations and situations, soften. May I live with more spaciousness. May I hold the possibility of magic in any moment close to my heart. May I embrace my love of mystery, rather than the certainty of knowledge. May I always leave a door and a window open for old grievences to leave, and for new possibilities to enter. May I lean into unknowing as a daily practice. May I smile more. May I honor my embodiment in this world of the ten thousand things. And may I extend grace to myself and others, again and again and again, as we lose our way, only to find it again at the next turn. May it be so!


The Way of the Circle


Re-membering ourselves into the Future